The Wire has transcended the tropes of police drama and looks at the human conditions, the human ecology of certain social groups who are often neglected, forgotten or even rejected by the mainstream of a society. It puts you right into their community and show you both the pretty and ugly sides, both the virtues and vices without flinching, thus avoiding depicting them from an outsider's perspective. In other words, The Wire manages to represent these groups without giving them a sense of otherness, and that is something truly admirable.
7分。开始犹如没有拧成一股的麻绳,有点乱和散,聊斋志异灯草和尚1都有谁通过两场精彩的飞车追逐戏慢慢渐入佳境,贱贱和奥德曼中规中矩,倒是Samuel Jackson玩性最大,看的出来剧中最享受非他莫属。